Thursday, December 6, 2012

Not Your Typical Tree Use in the Matteson Library

The Matteson Public Library has long played host to thousands, if not millions, of books and virtually everyone knows that books are made out of trees. However, the 51-year-old public library, located at 801 South School Avenue, in Matteson, Illinois 60443 is playing host through the end of the year to a very different type and style of tree—the Mark A. Reed Sr. Artificial Bonsai.

Accomplished artist, and Park Forest resident, Mark A. Reed Sr., 66, was chosen to showcase his artificial Bonsai trees in the Matteson Public Library’s display casing for the month of December 2012.

“The actual setup of the display was [intended for] the month of December, but due to a November cancellation, was setup the Wednesday before Thanksgiving,” is what Reed Sr. had to say about the timing of the display setup. The early setup has now ensured that for approximately six weeks, guests of the newly renovated million dollar all-white brick book castle can enjoy a journey through the artistic manifestations of the father of nine.  

Reed Sr. has created his Bonsai trees for more than a decade-and-a-half, and has had his art showcased in three different libraries (Homewood, Park Forest, and the current location in Matteson). His art has also been exhibited in the Tall Grass Art Association as “extras” on two different occasions, which were of particular note because he accomplished the feat without ever negotiating the gallery jury process for entrance and acceptance.

The current display in Matteson was also arranged with little resistance, as “some years ago I discovered that local libraries have display cases where individuals are allowed to feature things of interest in the case for a month,” points out the self-taught artist, who resides approximately 10 minutes away in his residence in Park Forest, Illinois with his wife, Beverly Jean, of 41 years.

The progression of displays has taken shape over the last decade, as his first showcase existed in a “case that was small and low to the floor, or at the eye level of a six-year-old,” acknowledges the headliner for the upcoming Park Forest Art Fair, set to take place next September in the downtown Park Forest Centre.

Sharing his art with the South Suburban community of Chicago is something which this modern-day Renaissance man, and recent retiree has long been is no stranger to. Reed Sr., former field-engineer for Beckton Dickinson, has utilized his home, at the intersection of famed and historic US 30 and Orchard Drive in Park Forest, as a canvas to advertise his unbridled love of the Orient. His home has been featured in several news publications, and is currently listed online in the Smithsonian Magazine, on and ENewsParkForest, among several other locations.

He appreciates the unique challenge of creating what he considers the “Wow” factor for viewers, because “with all of my displays, [I hope to] inform the viewer of my unique one-of-a-kind artwork,” mentions Reed, who is referring to both the “Bonsai and the house.” He also strives to influence and persuade “others to join me in challenging others to embrace the joy of being different with excellence,” which is what the Birmingham, Alabama native hopes to accomplish with his displays.

Differences are what have long made Reed stand-out among his peers and colleagues, and now that he has completely transitioned to his life as an artist, he is continuing to distinguish himself. For a look at more photos from the Matteson Library Bonsai display, go here, and for a look at more photos of the house, go here.

The display will be available for viewing until the end of the year, and for more details on the Art Fair please contact Reed Sr. The up and coming artist is also set to renew his Bonsai showcase in the Homewood Library in July of next year.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy to Kerry the Birthday Celebration!!!

"What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;" Juliet, from Romeo and Juliet, translated in 1562. 

Few phrases capture the dual essence of a name better than those famed words Juliet uttered to Romeo during the onset of their tragic relationship. However, on May 30 of 2012, the name Kerry was synonymous with a birthday celebration fitting of a modern-day princess. 

Kerry Reed celebrated a birthday this past May, and did so in anything but tragic fashion. Her choice for the royal celebration was the Wildfire restaurant, located in the regal Oak Brook mall area of Oak Brook, Illinois. In spite of the last minute coordination of the event, it included an intimate group of friends, family and loved ones, and played host to the ever omnipresent Reed-debates and spirited discussions. 

"It's not often that you get to hear about perfect credit scores, the impact of unions, and Disney world figurines all on the same night," commented Letrusia May about what she remembers most about the occasion. 

However, that kind of diversity is what has been the hallmark of Reed's life, and what continues to serve as one of her most uniting qualities. The Gemini (on account of a late May birthday) is a native of Chicago, but has lived all over the country including: Orlando, Florida, Great Lakes, Illinois, Memphis, Tennessee, Oakland, California, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Fort Hood, Texas, Dothan, Alabama, Atlanta (Conyers), Georgia, Waldorf, Maryland & Alexandria, Virginia (the D.C. Metropolitan Area) where she currently resides, primarily because of her choice to join the Navy right after high school. 

The honorable veteran gave eight years of service to the United States Navy before happily transitioning to the civilian side of the service in the capacity as a Financial Management Systems analyst for the United States Air Force. 

When asked about the celebration, Kerry indicated that "I most enjoy any chance I have to relax and unwind and just breathe" and that she especially enjoys such relaxation when it includes her cousins. "I know it seems I was the cousin who left and never returned, and that's partially true, yet I most remember when I come home is the chance to know my family." Such a comment was not without merit considering that attendees included her father, Brice Reed Jr., and her two uncles, Mark Sr. and Noah Reed. Other members in attendance included Reed's cousins Marrick and Mario along with friends and loved ones Letrusia, and Ms. Eunice. 

"There was vivid conversation that was going on, and it seemed like everyone had a little bit of conversation and everyone got involved" pointed out Noah about the gala. 

Of those in attendance, Kerry's father Brice was perhaps the most proud of the chance to celebrate his only daughter's birthday and had nothing but kind words about his baby girl. "She has a nice attitude and I really, really appreciate the way that she has turned out to be, and the lady that she is," was how the proud father described the birthday girl. 

The evening included the traditional happy birthday serenade by all in attendance, and featured the guest of honor attempting to make a dent in the celebratory dessert pictured to the right. 

The gala was what Brice Jr. described as an example of the legacy that Brice Sr., Kerry's late grandfather, and the patriarch of the Reed lineage, hoped and pushed for consistently--which is the gathering of family. "Family," was the first word which popped into the mind of Brice Jr. when asked about the event. "It's certain things that your granddad would always push for us to do, getting together with family was the biggest," is what the Broadview resident Brice Jr. appreciated most about the celebration for his daughter.  

The evening was capped by great conversation and the sharing of love and appreciation for the birthday girl. "Getting to know my dad again on our terms and his brothers" is something that the east coast native especially appreciated about the chance to enjoy the get together with all three individuals (Brice Jr., Mark Sr. & Noah). 

And as with most events that include the aforementioned trio of characters there were several photos of the soiree which are posted here, but the birthday girl wants all to know that while she enjoys visiting the Chicagoland area, she does not foresee herself considering it home again. "At times I miss home but I'm no longer acclimated to the winters, thus a sister won't be moving back," points out the avid Disney collector. 
Accordingly, the fact that the celebration was both during the onset of summer and at a location named the Wildfire aided in ensuring that Ms. Kerry was happy to carry the birthday celebration duties. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

More than just a jock!!!

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, and high school football enters its championship stages, our very own Diondrey Deshawn Hood, the newly minted 18-year-old, reminds us that it's not only about what you do on the field, but who you are both on and off of it.

"Hardworking, dedicated and determined" is how Hood's mother Marshelle Hood describes his senior football season. "He had a couple of really great games where he showed true leadership as a team captain, and he took their losses very personal," commented the proud mother.

True leadership is a quality which team captains must often display. Such a quality is one in which the senior at Joliet West High School in Joliet, Illinois demonstrated throughout his entire football career there.

According to the school's sports tracking website,, in conjunction with a partner highlight website, (both links take you to Hood's statistics and highlight film), his coach, Jason Aubry writes "as a sophomore he was considered for (sic) playing at the varsity level," and follows that up by indicating that "as a junior he (Hood) started 8 out of 9 games and was second in sacks for the team."

The recent birthday boy, (Hood's birthday is November 5), followed up his Junior year with a senior season which included being named team captain and receiving First-Team All-Conference honors for his play on the field, primarily for being second on the team in tackles, and leading the team in forced fumbles. (For more photos of his career year go here).

However, those on-field exploits only tell half the story, as his coach, Aubry, further elaborates on the site that "he also received All-State academic," which is an honor that requires a minimum of a 3.5 Grade Point Average as a complement to stellar on-field performance.

In spite of all the fanfare and attention, the all-world nephew, cousin, grandson and son has remained grounded and resolute in his understanding of what has gotten him to this point. "I want to first thank God and then my lovely parents for the support over the years," was what the recently accepted Carroll University applicant said when asked whom he would like to thank for contributing to his success.

Hood, who is no stranger to nicknames, known affectionately as everything from "Cease" (named after the great leader), to "Pooter" (named after the great poot), to "Poopy" (fill in the blank here) and the more traditional shortened "Drey" is presently deciding what comes next after he graduates from Joliet West this upcoming May.

When asked of which college he would most like to attend, an equivocal response of "I don't know, but as of right now I would pick University of St. Francis" came to mind. However, as mentioned earlier, the All-State in Academics student has already been accepted to Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin, home of the Pioneers.

While the outside linebacker yet maintains aspirations of lacing up the cleats for showdowns on Sunday in the National Football League, he is currently interested in pursuing some type of career in Math, with Actuarial Science currently piquing his interest as the front runner.

When asked about looking forward, Hood points out that "my plan is to finish my schooling off with me getting a Master's Degree," is the goal the avid Madden and NCAA Football video game player articulates. However, while looking back, he acknowledges that he did in fact enjoy all of his accomplishments from high school as well.

All of the success was not without resiliency, as "Cease" mentions that he was most proud of surviving all four years without quitting, and being able do as well as he did throughout his career. When asked of what advice he would give to those following in his footsteps as an athlete and a scholar, he responds with the encouragement of "stay in school and put goals in your life that you want to reach, always want to do better and have faith and believe."

Spoken like a true leader, and someone who is far more than just another jock!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mario Passes the Illinois BAR Exam & Turns 31!

Family, friends and fun were the three F's present at the Department in downtown Joliet this past November 4th, 2012. The occasion was a celebratory banquet for Mario A. Reed V.V.G. honoring him for his recent passing of the Illinois BAR exam (this past July), and turning 31-years-old (October 29). 

The event featured world-class cuisine, exceptional conversation and fellowship along with trivia, words of praise and encouragement and a few thoughts from the honoree. Big winners in the game of trivia were the Et Table, comprised of (Mr. & Mrs. Leonardo Zuniga, Mr. & Mrs. Atonio Smith, Mr. Cordell Collins, Ms. Erin Murphy, Mr. Reginald Winfrey, and Ms. Katrina Moore). 

The night also featured guest performances by Marshelle Hood and Marvin Reed--both of which elected to attempt to perform the theme song from the critically acclaimed Diff'rent Strokes, as written by Alan Thicke. Unfortunately, neither contestant successfully performed the song in its entirety--but it was entertaining nonetheless. 

Guests of the gala included everyone from Mario's parent's, significant other, closest friends, all of his brothers, two of his sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, former co-workers, future in-laws, daughter and many, many more guests. "I was absolutely thrilled to see the turnout, as well as all of the fun that people had while participating" commented Reed after the conclusion of the event. 

"None of this could have been possible without the love of my life, Letrusia May, and I am extremely grateful that she organized all of this and did so out of the goodness of her heart," praised Mario of his significant other's hard work in coordinating the phenomenal event. 

A video of the life and times of Mario A. Reed V.V.G. also played with a continuous loop throughout the event, and highlighted Mario as a young boy, his adolescent and teen years, and many of the people who contributed greatly to his successes. 

For a look at photos from the gala, feel free to go here, and to view the video, please feel free to go here

Mario would like to thank everyone who was able to attend, as well as anyone who wanted to or would have liked to had they have known about it. He apologizes to anyone who was not thanked on the evening, or because of his negligence and hastiness forgot to invite. Special thanks again to Letrusia May, Mark Reed Sr., Noah Reed and Marvin Reed for contributing to the commemoration and production of the event.